How to Use Bard Google's Ai chatbot, the rival of Chat GPT

How to Use Bard Google's Ai chatbot, the rival of Chat GPT

You will need a personal Google account to join the waitlist

Google Workspace accounts are not supported. After you join the waitlist, you will receive an email when it’s your turn to try Bard.

Scribbled Underline

Bard is currently only available in the US and the UK, and will expand to more Countries

Bard is currently only available in the US and the UK, and will expand to more Countries

Google has not specified how long the waitlist for Bard is, but it seems to vary depending on the demand and availability of Bard. Some users have reported getting invitation emails just hours after signing up, while others may have to wait longer.

What Bard can Do?

What Bard can Do?

– Ask questions and get answers from the web – Generate content ideas and outlines for articles, blog posts, social media posts, and more

Bard and Google Search are both products of Google, but they have different purposes and features.

Bard and Google Search are both products of Google, but they have different purposes and features.

Bard is an experimental conversational AI service that can generate responses using its LaMDA language model. Google Search is a web search engine that can find relevant information from billions of web pages.