A Comprehensive Guide to Tower of Fantasy’s 2.4 Update: New Characters, Map, and Bosses


Tower of Fantasy is a shared open-world MMORPG game that is available on both PC and mobile platforms. This game has become quite popular, and with the release of the 2.4 update, it has become even more exciting. In this article, we will cover all the features of this update, including new characters, a new map, and new bosses.

Introducing the 2.4 Update

Tower of Fantasy’s 2.4 update brings a lot of exciting features to the game. First off, there is a new map called Grand Sea, which is an underwater area designed for open-world anime games. You can explore and swim around this new map, and there are new fighting mechanics to enjoy. Additionally, you will also be able to navigate and explore many new underwater places.

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New Characters

The update also brings two new characters to the game: Lan and Icarus. Lan is a mysterious character who comes from an unknown dimension and uses an umbrella to unleash some awesome combos. She is super fun to use, and you can use her blazing attacks in combination with umbrellas to dish out some crazy damage. On the other hand, Icarus uses an icy yo-yo ball to defeat enemies. Both of these characters bring exciting new combat styles to the game, and we can’t wait to see how they will impact gameplay.

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New Bosses

The update also introduces a new boss monster that you can fight against with your friends. Moreover, you can go on a series of treasure hunts to help you fully explore this new underwater world. This new adventure in Grand Sea will be guided by Icarus and the executors in Comprehensive Guide to Tower of Fantasy’s 2.4 Update. Along the way, you will meet new and old friends to prepare for the final boss battle of the 2.4 story quest. This update is filled with new and exciting content that is sure to keep you engaged and entertained for hours.

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Baizhu’s Talents

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Baizhu is a character in Tower of Fantasy that is receiving a lot of attention lately. In the 2.4 update, Baizhu’s talents were showcased in a livestream, and players have mixed feelings about him. According to the livestream, Baizhu’s main benefits are healing, shielding, boosting reaction damage, and Dendro application. These benefits can be off-field since the shield can heal any active character.

Dendro Shield

One of the most crucial things about Baizhu is his Dendro shield. On the first look, you might think the shield functions similarly to Thoma’s. It gets applied every two seconds or so, at least that’s how it was counted when looking at the footage in Tower of Fantasy. However, the biggest difference here is that a new shield is refreshed every time this happens. This suggests that this shield is probably going to be easy to break since one of the big things that this shield does is release a Dendro attack after it either gets broken, expires, or becomes refreshed.

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Benefit for Cyno

Cyno is a character that would benefit a lot from Baizhu’s shield since he has poor resistance to interruption. Even if the shield gets broken by enemy attacks, it will still consistently provide him resistance to interruption. The shield gets refreshed every few seconds, making it a valuable asset to have.

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Dendro Application

Baizhu’s Dendro application is the biggest concern among players. It’s challenging to see from the footage, but it looks like only one missile gets shot when the shield breaks, expires, or refreshes. It doesn’t look like it has AoE, so this will become clear once players can test him out in Tower of Fantasy. Relying on these missiles.

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Overall, Baizhu seems like an interesting addition to the game, especially for those who like to play defensively and support their team. His shield and healing abilities are sure to come in handy in tough battles, and his Dendro application mechanic adds a unique twist to his gameplay.

However, as with any new character, it’s important to test him out for yourself before making any judgments. With the upcoming release of the 2.4 update for Tower of Fantasy, players will have the chance to try out Baizhu and all the other new features coming to the game.


In conclusion, Tower of Fantasy continues to impress with its innovative updates and exciting new content. With the addition of Baizhu and the Grand Sea underwater world, players have even more reasons to explore and enjoy the vast open world of this shared MMORPG. So what are you waiting for? Dive in and discover all the amazing adventures that await!

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