5 Amazing AI-powered NLP Chatbot Search Engines: The Future of Online Information Retrieval


AI Search Engines

Search engines are one of the most widely used tools on the internet, allowing users to find relevant information quickly and easily. However, traditional search engines have some limitations that can affect the user experience and satisfaction. For example, they often require users to type keywords or phrases that may not match their natural language or intent, they may return too many or too few results that are not ranked by relevance or quality, and they may not provide enough context or explanation for the results.

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5 Amazing AI-powered NLP Chatbot Search Engines: The Future of Online Information Retrieval 4

To overcome these challenges, a new generation of search engines is emerging that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to provide a more conversational and personalized way of accessing information online. These AI-powered NLP chatbot search engines use natural language understanding (NLU) to analyze user queries and generate natural language responses that are tailored to the user’s needs and preferences. They also use natural language generation (NLG) to create engaging and informative content that can answer user questions, provide summaries, recommendations, insights, comparisons, opinions, etc.

Some examples of AI-powered NLP chatbot search engines are:

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5 Amazing AI-powered NLP Chatbot Search Engines: The Future of Online Information Retrieval 5

New Bing

The new Bing is a search engine that uses the power of ChatGPT’s AI to create a brand-new search experience that can be quite powerful. Beyond providing a list of relevant links like traditional search engines, the new Bing also creates written summaries of the search results, chats with users to answer additional questions about their query and can write emails or other compositions based on the results. 

The new Bing offers you reliable, up-to-date results – and complete answers to your questions. Of course, it also cites the sources. You can ask questions however you like and do complex searches. The new Bing also has a chat feature powered by a next-generation version of ChatGPT that can generate natural language responses based on web data. To use the new Bing, you need to install Microsoft Edge browser on your device or download the app on your phone.


Phind.com is one of the most underrated search engine that simply tells users what the answers are. Optimized for developers and technical questions, Phind instantly answers questions with simple explanations and relevant code snippets from the web. Phind is powered by large, proprietary generative AI language models. Phind is a Y Combinator-backed startup that aims to make searching for technical information easier and faster.


You.com is a new search engine that aims to provide users with trustworthy and unbiased information from various sources. It also has a no-ads policy and respects user privacy. You.com is built on artificial intelligence that provides users with a customized search experience while keeping their data 100% private. You.com also offers different features such as YouChat, an AI-powered chatbot that can answer user queries in a summarized paragraph along with citing sources, YouCode, a specialized search engine for developers, YouWrite, an AI tool to write blogs, emails or social media posts, and YouImagine, an AI tool to find and create stunning images. You.com also has a community of users and industry professionals who provide feedback and contribute to making the search experience better for everyone.

Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is a new AI chat tool that also has similar functions to a search engine. When a user inputs their question, the Perplexity AI’s model is built similarly to ChatGPT, and it utilizes its AI language model as well as relevant information from the internet to provide a corresponding answer. You can ask almost all the questions you want and get answers in natural language with cited sources. Perplexity.ai is a cutting-edge AI technology that combines the powerful capabilities of GPT3 with a large language model. It offers a unique solution for search results by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning.

Neeva AI

Neeva is a search engine that does not show any advertisements and does not collect or profit from user data. It also allows users to search for information on the web as well as personal files like emails and other documents. Neeva has an iOS browser app and a browser extension that prevent trackers from following you. It also has an Android app that offers ad-free, private search and browsing. Neeva claims to offer a fresh, personalized experience built exclusively for you.

These AI-powered NLP chatbot search engines have several advantages over traditional search engines such as:

  • They can understand natural language queries better than keyword-based queries
  • They can provide more relevant and personalized results based on user context and preferences
  • They can generate more engaging and informative content that can satisfy user curiosity and interest
  • They can improve user trust and loyalty by providing transparent and reliable sources
  • They can reduce user effort and time by providing direct answers instead of links

However, these AI-powered NLP chatbot search engines also face some challenges such as:

  • They need to ensure data privacy and security for users
  • They need to handle complex queries that may require multiple sources or steps
  • They need to maintain accuracy and quality of information across different domains
  • They need to deal with ethical issues such as bias, fairness, accountability, etc.


AI-powered NLP chatbot search engines are transforming the way users access information online by providing a more conversational and personalized way of searching. They have the potential to improve user experience and satisfaction by providing more relevant, engaging, informative content. However, they also need to address some technical and ethical challenges that may arise along the way.

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